Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Should cellphones be allowed to children of ages 6 to 12

There is a noticeable increment of cellphone usage between children of ages 6 to 12 in the last few years. The statistics show that â€Å"6 out of 10 children own a cellphones† ( This report clearly shows that there are a large number of children who own a phone. Now, with the latest advanced technology we cannot do much to prevent minors from gaining access to this type of devices. However, what we need to concern about is the damage that phones can cause to children. Lately, there have been many cases of abduction of children by social networks, and also cases of theft of cell phones. Therefore, the debate regarding children using cellphones whether or not has created different types of concerns along parents and†¦show more content†¦Those important points made the affirmative side believe that cell phones are good for children because it provides them safeness and independence. On the article â€Å"Child Wants Cellphone; Reception Is Mixed† from New York Times, Lisa W. Foderaro says, that parents think that by giving their 6 or 8 year old children a phone they can approach them wherever they are located or cell phones are also as emergency backup system (Forderaro). On the same article Foderaro records that a mother Cindy O’Neill Vitale says, â€Å"I honestly believe that we live in a time now where it’s important to be able to have access for whatever reason† (Forderaro). On Pbs Children and Media Liz Perle, reports that parents are really concern about the safeness of their children. Therefore, they buy them a cell phone. Perle says, â€Å"My daughter got her first cell phone in 7th grade†¦because she took public transportation home from school, my husband and I decided it was a good idea from a safety standpoint† (Perle). People also believe that the missing rate has lowered because of the ownership of cell phones between children. According to David Finkelhor a writer for The Washington Post argues, cell phones are a key part of this explanation (Finkelhor). The author says, â€Å"that cellphones enable parents to figure out where their kids are when they don’t come home† (Filkelhor). Another argument that people on the affirmative side discuss is that children can learnShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Cell Phones On Health1551 Words   |  7 Pagesus from other tasks and affecting our bodies. The everyday use of cell phones has many negative effects on individuals and society. Cell phones affect people in many physical ways. There have been many studies dedicated to finding if the use of cellphones can lead to cancer. This concept has been proved and disproved through the years as technology has improved and our understanding of the radio waves and what they do becomes clear. 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